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▲ 法蘭黛為新歌演唱會進行彩排。(圖/記者陳明安攝,2017.5.5)
▲ 李英宏(右)在法蘭黛新歌中與法蘭飾演情侶。(圖/記者陳明安攝,2017.5.5)
選舉的過程中,各候選人在各場合的政見發表會及辯論會激烈交鋒,我們已經聽到了各候選人的政見及治黨理念,大部分都有志一同的強調國民黨要改革丶要團結,更要讓青年人參與並帶領國民黨贏得2018丶2020年的各項選舉等政見 ,但了解國民黨文化的人心中不免都有一份憂心,那就是選前的政見承諾,通常在當選後被權謀算計及政治私心拋到九霄雲外,所以關心國民黨未來發展的有志人士,是否真的應該審慎思考這場選戰目前所發生的問題。
520投票日還沒有到,黨主席選舉已充滿了相互懷疑和惶惶不安,候選人之間言詞交鋒愈來愈針鋒相對。首先有人提出幽靈黨員名冊的質疑,質疑者提出近來突然出現可疑的入黨申請,新黨員未經背景審查。 這些可疑的黨員名冊也引起對候選人提名連署收集的疑問,有人指出連署數量超過實際註冊黨員總數,這對選舉當日的選務工作可能是很大的挑戰。
Without a fair leadership race, division in KMT imminent
The China Post editorial board
In less than a week, six candidates will vie for the Kuomintang leadership in one of the most important and potentially divisive elections in the party’s history.
In the interest of the six candidates in the KMT election and of the party’s stability, we urge party central to act immediately and proactively to investigate any allegations of irregularities that could hamper fair elections on May 20.
The party’s election supervisory agency must accelerate its movements for the greater good and not for narrow individual interests. It must investigate all alleged election irregularities and, upon confirming any violations, disqualify the offender from the race.
On the flip side, the agency must also identify baseless accusations to prevent groundless attacks among candidates. Unchecked, such attacks would create rifts that would be hard to mend once the election is over.
If the party cannot guarantee the fairness of the chairmanship election, its newly elected leader would be faced with the imminent division of the KMT -- and party central would bear total responsibility.
最後機會The issue of procedural fairness in this election is something the party must give attention to, lest the runners-up and their supporters contest the result after May 20. Such challenges would tear the party apart, making its already precarious situation worse.
If the fairness of this election is called into question, so too would the winner’s legitimacy as he or she tries to unify the party and steer it toward reform. In the end, without ensuring the former, the latter becomes merely empty slogans.
Criticism of the KMT has commonly been focused on “black-box operations” and internal strife.
If any candidate has any doubt of the fairness of the election, he or she must immediately report it to party central to keep shoddy elections from thwarting the party’s effort to transform itself.
If, on the other hand, a candidate were to keep key evidence hidden for personal gain in order to exact a “fatal blow” against a rival -- in other words, using the evidence later to overturn the election -- they would be doing so with a selfish intent in the guise of fairness. Such a candidate would only bring further damage to the party.
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